Adult & Scoutmaster guide to Hi-Sierra

ScoutMaster (in charge):
This person is responsible  for the Troop.  Receives morning instructions on the day’s activities everyday. Help sign in the troop into Camp Hi-Sierra and has the medical forms.
Sometimes Scoutmaster maybe called for lunches during the week to participate in giving feedback how the camp HI Sierra is operating. During Campwide Games Friday lead a sporting activity.
Adults should spend some of their time at the site during the day  as well as feel free to roam around the camp grounds and the classes most scouts are taking. Adults are expected to join scouts and sit with them at mealtimes.
First Day of Camp Duties
An adult will ensure that the SPL assigns duties to all the scouts attending. The Duties are the following:  Clean 2 Latrines (usually watering and sweeping it), for each meal (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) assign 2 stewards. The stewards  help setup the plates, clean the tables at mealtimes.   Camp Sweep responsibilities are every morning.  Sometimes seeping maybe needed in the evening as well, if camp gets too dirty.  There is sometimes a template for that at the board. These positions need to be posted on the board or we lose points.  Each Day a troop earns a certain amount of points. For example if the camp is clean we can earn up to 100 pts in the probing. If it is not swept or if there is a piece of trash found at the campsite or the latrines are found dirty , the troop loses points. The objective is to win all 100 pts plus bonus pts which help in troop’s placement in camp wide games. Per recent rules ony scouts can sign up for these activities. But adults should help keeping the camp area clean. Other duties can be Fire Marshall for the day , usually a Sr. Scout who can take charge of the fire when scouts sit by the Firewood.  Scouts also should cut some wood in the axe-yard so that they can use it for Fire rest of the week.
ScoutMaster should also see which scouts need meds and dispense those meds to scouts as and when they need them; usually for allergies.
Scouts that have any special meal requirements can also  inform the kitchen if they have a special meal requirements besides Vegan, Vegetarian. Special foods  can be kept in the Refrigerator in the kitchen.
There should be an adult who has all the scouts Roster of classes so they are aware of which scouts are taking what classes. Usually y scouts do add/delete classes at Camp . Scouts would need an ASM or a Scoutmaster in charge to sign off the classes. Adults should track the changes that scouts are doing to keep the roster current. It comes in handy if we need to track a scout. Sometimes on 1st or 2nd day new scouts sometimes do get lost in the grounds, it is a good item to guide the new scouts on the layout of the grounds.
Buddy rule for Scouts to do activities should be followed as much as possible , esp. if they are not going to class. An adult would need to remind them of that.
Other Duties at Camp:
Morning /Evening Raising /Lowering of the Flag
An Adult will make sure that they wake up the Scout (SPL) in charge so he can wake up the scouts in time, usually 7am. Scouts need to be in Class A and clean their tent.
By 7:45 Scouts needs to be in line to raise the morning flag. Scouts need to be at the meadow prior to 8am in single file, so they can be there for morning flag and announcements for the day there. Prior to Dinner the scouts also need to get together to lower the flag prior to dinner time. Troop should carry the flag from the shed.
Bead in Charge:
     – certain activities a scout accomplishes they get a bead of a certain color. The scout carry a paper during the day of what citified they have accomplished and what bead they will get from that.  The parent responsible tracks the beads  scouts have earned and distributes the beads in the scout boxes each day.
Projects in Charge:
The activity can require up to 1 or 2 adults at a given time. Each Scout at Camp can accomplish tribes rom a Warrior, Medicine Man, Chief. Each year they come back to hi-Sierra they can advance to the next rank in the tribe. The last 2 ranks ,esp. Chief rank requires the scout to do a project with other scouts, like a mini eagle project.  The  person-in-charge needs to work with Alan (Camp Onsite) or Camp Director to identify Chief projects for Scouts that need Chief Rank. Prior to hi-Sierra identify the scouts that need Chief Rank.  Tell the Camp Director of how many scouts needs this rank done. The Director will help identify a project. Prev. projects have been : Paint the office, Clean & Build a  Path to Camp.  They supply the equipment. The Scouts not only need to do the task but identify other scout who can help with this project as well.
Scouts at all levels of the tribe need some service hour projects so those scouts make good candidates. It is also considered good etiquette to improve the campsite better than it was, so if there are projects that can be done; adults should try to co-ordinate that as well. In the past we built a axe-yard, Put a the signpost for the camp as projects.
Sick/Escorting Scouts
We need adults as well in case a Scout gets sick and needs to be escorted to the nurse’s station. Sometimes adults are needed to escort jr. scouts in activities such as wilderness survival or astronomy. This is an overnight outside of the tenant with just the sleeping bag. So the adult needs to understand the requirements of those activities so they know they can go thru it.
It is usually a good idea for adults to take mini seminars or classes on certification they can keep current such as OLS, swimming oversight, other preparedness activities.
Wireless Access
Wireless is available in the meadow area and there is a power charging station there as well.  This is used by multiple adults so keep that in mind. It is not high speed access but sufficient to check emails.
Have Fun as well. This is a good place to relax and try out the classes such as rifle shooting, archery