Amit Srivastava
Tonight we are here to celebrate your success. As scouts go through the journey  from being a  scout to an Eagle. Each of the scouts learn a lot during that journey. As a scout the first thing you learn is the Scout Oath. It starts with “On my honor I will do my best”. What is it that the scout is doing best on?
The first 3 ranks provide a focus around Duty to Self
Tenderfoot. As a Tenderfoot the scout learns about  being physically strong.
Second Class. As a Second Class you understand what Mentally Awake means.  You are observant, you pay attention.
First Class. As a Frst Class you learn and get to apply the definition of Morally Straight. You have  learnt 6 pages of skills. You have learnt  all the techniques of scouting  and it’s time to apply them.
Star Rank. Beyond First class as you move to Star Rank. Your focus moves to duty to others and being helpful. What does being  helpful mean? You work on service projects and merit badges. The merit badges fulfill Eagle requirements.
Life Rank. As part of Life Rank the attention should change to understand Duty to God and Country. At this point you are an ambassador to your school, a role model and a a leader to the scouts. As Mahatma Gandhi once said “Be the change you want to see”. You continue to work on your Eagle required merit badges.
Eagle Rank. Finally as an Eagle  you have demonstrated all the abilities of scouting finished a service project and become a role model for Society to be proud of.
Congratulations to each one you as you make this journey.